Monthly Community Gathering & Sacred Ritual
Hosted by Michael Pooley and co-created by an
amazing team of guest presenters and volunteers, Sacred Saturdays are monthly community gatherings devoted to sacred rituals, practices,
and meditation.
Each Sacred Saturday is unique, drawing from traditions such as Tantra, meditation, yoga,
Sufism, Buddhism, Native American, dance, chant, and other paths.
Often, you will participate in a "Tantric Puja" (sacred ritual) that
may involve movement, music, breath practice, energy work, dance,
chant, guided visualization, communication practices, and other ways
to honor and celebrate our hearts, our bodies, and spirit. Practices
and rituals may be done alone, with a partner, or as part of the whole
group. We strive to create an environment that is safe, respectful,
and comfortable for those coming alone or as a couple, those coming
for the first time, and those who want to build an ongoing community
of people devoted to cultivating sacredness and joy in life.
Sacred Circles™
Special Groups & Events Devoted to
Tantric Rituals, Sacred Circle Pujas, & Group Meditations
by the monthly Sacred Saturdays in Santa Cruz, Sacred Circles offer a unique and intimate
evening gathering devoted to intimate connection, conscious communication,
and community celebration. Michael is available to lead Sacred Circles
at other venues around the country for intimate connection, conscious
communication, and community celebration
you are interested in hosting and booking a Sacred Circle in
your area, please call or send me an email.
Art of Ecstatic Love
Michael Pooley, Founder & Director
Phone: (408) 309-0962 | Email: info@ecstaticlove.net
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©2002-2023. The Art of Ecstatic Love.
All Rights Reserved. | Phone: (408) 309-0962. Email: info@ecstaticlove.net
Artwork courtesy of Paul Heussenstamm, Mandalas.com. Photography by Scott Evans/Emily Bryant